Yippie..... Redeemed coupon of 'Zazil'... just few days before expiration date :P
Already reached thr a lil late... Entered inside... n I was like, WOW!
Killing silence... Deem lighting... Relaxin muzic...
All wat I luved @ Zazil before orderin nything:
- Water Containers
- Table next to window
- Blue colored logo of restaurant
I was suggested to try out ny dish from labels 'pasta' n 'fondue'...
Thought a lot, n thn here is all wat we ordered:
- Parmesan Potato
- Classic Margarita
- Cheddar cheese Fondue
'Parmesan Potato' coz I wanted to try out tat grilled potato wit its thinnest skin in white-white cheese sauce :) n I simply luved it...
Pizza cud have been better :(
Fondue was super like! I luved each piece of tat platter... Yummy!!!
Luved blowin off candle (substitute of spirit lamp) tat accompanied communal pot (it wasn't exactly as it is shown in wikipedia) to serve melted cheese ;)
Overall experience:
- One perfect word: Luver's Point
- Avg. for 2: 400 approx
- Rating: 4 out of 5!
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